

bangladeshBangladesh is a country located in Asia, is located on the coast of Bay of Bengal in the Indian Ocean. Its area is 144 193 km². Bordered by Myanmar, India has a coastline 2720 km.

State Bangladesh has only existed since 1972. It was part of the British Empire. Proclaimed independent, India splits into two countries: India Hindu majority and Muslim Pakistan. Between East and West Pakistan extends 1700 km strip of Indian territory, united by Islam, but with different languages ​​and traditions.

Bengalis of East Pakistan began a rebellion against West Pakistan in 1971. This marked the beginning of a bloody civil war. India contributes to the victory of East Pakistan, which acquired the status of an independent state of Bangladesh.

Bangladesh is a republic with a parliamentary form of government, chaired by the president. Legislative power is in the hands of ednopalaten Parliament – the National Assembly. Executive power belongs to the government and the prime minister.

Bangladesh is an agrarian country with low living standards. Grown rice, wheat, sugarcane, betel, banana, mango, tea, jute, tobacco. Underdeveloped livestock – cattle, goats, poultry, fish. Industry – enterprises for processing of agricultural products, textile, clothing and leather goods. The country has reserves of natural gas. Starts and operation of oil field. There refinery and ironworks.